MyBalanceNow.Com Check Target Gift Card Balance

Target Prepaid Gift Card is a payment card used to make purchases at different outlets. It being a prepaid card, makes it necessary for the user to carry a balance at all times during the purchase. Therefore, there is a need for an easy way to do the same. MyBalanceNow provides for a platform where one could easily check the current balance and other essential details associated with their account. The user, in order to check the current balance online, must keep their Target Prepaid Gift Card handy. The details present on the card are the only credentials required to know the remaining balance in your account and to manage the same accordingly. If you have the card in your possession, then it will take only a couple of minutes to access your online Target account.

Visit Official Site or Support

The essential requirements in order to check the balance on MyBalanceNow are:

  • A stable internet connection.
  • 16 digit card number mentioned on the card.
  • Expiration date mentioned on the card (MM/YY).
  • Three-digit CVV number present on the back-side of the card.

Once you have the above-mentioned details handy, you could simply login to the portal (how to login explained below) and get the actual details of your balance along with the payment history associated with the Target Gift Card that you are using.

Login Process and Steps to login to MyBalanceNow:

In order to login to the MyBalanceNow portal, one must follow the below steps:

  • You need to have access to the browser, along with a stable internet connection.
  • You need to open “” This is the official website for MyBalanceNow.
  • On this page, you’ll find the option to fill in the boxes with the necessary details.
  • The first box requires you to enter the 16 digit card number. Make sure to check it properly before clicking on “SIGN IN.”
  • After you enter the 16 digit card number, you will have to enter the card expiration date in the format (MM/YY).
  • Following this, you will be required to enter the three-digit CVV number or the security number mentioned on the backside of your card.
  • Once you enter all the details and double-check it, you are all set to login to your account.
  • Click “Sign In,” and you will have all the details associated with your Target Prepaid Gift Card.

By following the above-mentioned process in a step-by-step manner, you could easily have access to your online account. It is evident that it is a seamless process, and anyone could effortlessly check their balance online. By following these steps, you could manage your payments and keep track of the purchases you make every now and then. All you need is a computer/laptop/smartphone with a stable internet connection.

At last, it is pertinent to mention that in case you do not have access to a computer and internet connection, you could check your Target Prepaid Gift Card Balance by calling on 1-800-698-4952, which is a toll-free number.

19 thoughts on “MyBalanceNow.Com Check Target Gift Card Balance”

  1. Hi I recently just bought this gift card and it said someone had made a purchase on it, that I didnt make. How do I get my money back and get my money??

  2. I have asked this already but received no support, maybe I didn’t wait long enough but I will write this again cause I see no record of it, sorry

    How can I check the cardholder name of a prepaid VISA gift card, I received one as a gift and do not know the cardholders name

  3. When into a Target store on Saturday, April 3, 2021 to use my gift card and it wouldn’t work.

    This was the first time that I used it to make a purchase.

    Please explain.

  4. The Capta feature at sign-in won’t recognize my gift card. Says to check my connection. But that is working. Please advise.

  5. What a rip off! all I want is the balance on a gift card you want to charge me a $1 . I will never use a Target gift card again

  6. i accidently scratched off the cvv number on the back of my target mastercard gift card. what shgould i do about this situation? thanks. Isaac

  7. I cannot register my card! Every time I get to where I am to put in the 3 digit security number, it says it is not recognized and wants me to start over again. This is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING! Also when I try to register online, it takes me to a field where I have to put in my email address, create a password, and then put in a credit card number. I received this target mastercard gift card as a retirement gift, but at this point I am thinking it is useless. Please respond ASAP!

  8. Hello! I have recently received a Target Visa Gift Card for $100. When I try to put the card number into the account info to check the balance, it says the card number is invalid.
    Can you assist me with this?


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